While the official start of spring is not until March 20, meteorological spring begins today! Based on annual temperature cycles around the world, meteorologists divide the seasons into three month groups. Meteorological springs lasts from March 1 to May 31.
As we all know, extreme weather is common this time of year, ranging from heavy snow storms to severe flooding and tornado outbreaks. These varied weather events are a result of the temperature contrast between warmer air moving northward and colder air from Canada pushing south. These diverging temperatures foster a strong jet stream producing highly variable weather conditions.
While much of the country is anxiously awaiting the first signs of spring in March, the Rockies and High Plains are actually entering their snowiest month. In addition, this is the windiest month for many cities from the Plains to the East Coast.
Will March come in like a lion and go out like a lamb? No doubt Mother Nature will have a few tricks up her sleeve as the month goes on 🙂 Adjusters should be on the READY!