James Reetz

James' Buzzwords
Father of 4
Sports Enthusiast - Liverpool, Boston, Green Bay
Vice President of Operations
With over twenty-five years of experience in the insurance claims industry, fifteen of which consisted of executing team management responsibilities, James Reetz brings specialized expertise during CAT events, where team management, project management, and response coordination skills are critical. His passion for delivering world-class customer service, unparalleled assistance during CAT events and innovative technology solutions are key strengths that are highly beneficial to the Eberl team.
What inspires you most?
Assisting people in their times of need. I’ve felt incredible honor and accomplishment when we provide the help people so desperately need when a storm event impacts their lives.
- BA of Marketing and Finance – University of Wisconsin – Oshkosh
- Family
- Pets
- Outdoors
- Sports
- Muscle Cars