Tell us your story! Describe your education and professional background.
I came into this world an extravert of epic proportions with a love for all people. To say I have a zest for life would be an understatement. Born in the United Kingdom, to the United States Air Force parents, I grew up with a British accent – which has since been grossly repressed or is now completely gone.
I moved to the States at a young age and landed in Central Florida where I attended elementary school all the way through college. In my youth, I played the trumpet from middle school to high school (yes, I was a band geek), was on the volleyball team, and participated in track and field sports. Later on, I attended Valencia College and the University of Central Florida (Go Knights!!!) where I now hold degrees in Finance and Economics. I proudly held more jobs between the age of 16 and 25 than most have had in two lifetimes – sometimes 2 or 3 at a time while also attending college! As I said, I love meeting people and I’m certainly a go-getter.
I departed the city of Orlando at age 25 where I headed North to Nashville, Tennessee then to Lexington, Kentucky and then to Denver, Colorado. Now, I call Milwaukee, Wisconsin home! I come mostly from a sales/hospitality/media/entertainment/real estate background. Never in a million years did I think I’d be in the “boring” insurance industry but here I am and it was the best thing that’s ever happened to me. In the span of the last 14 years, I worked for two national insurance carriers, a national IA firm and now Eberl, aka my E-Team!
What “buzzwords,” personally and professionally, do you think describe you best?
- Enthusiastic
- Innovative
- Confident
- Audacious
- Persuasive
- Collaborative
Was there a defining moment for you that solidified your interest in this industry? Or did your introduction into this career happen fluidly?
For me, the turning point that got me here was the housing crisis and stock market crash of 2008. I worked in commercial real estate as a Sales Trainer in Nashville. I had just built a house months before the bottom fell out. The stock market, the housing market, and the country were in financial ruin – which meant I nearly was too. Remarkably, I decided that I would not let things out of my control take over my emotions or my life like it did to so many people around me. I couldn’t fix the economy but I knew I could survive it if I focused on bettering myself and doing what I do best; I had to lean in and focus on what I could control. I took a job in secondary education sales and outperformed 90% of my peers where I quickly ascended from the bottom to the top.
One day, I was in the Nashville airport and a gentleman sitting nearby overhead me on the phone where I relaying some pretty awful news to a recruit of mine. He leaned over and said, “It sounds like you had to deliver some very bad news but you did that quite well.” It wasn’t until after a few more pleasantries and off-the-cuff networking did I learn that this gentleman was the CAT manager for Allstate’s National Catastrophe Team. After becoming well-acquainted, he commented, “You should come work for me. I could use someone with that type of skill in delivering not-so-great news”. I inquired about the details of the job and he said I would be a National Catastrophe Adjuster but I had no idea what that was. He then said, “Would you like to travel the country for free? Can you write as well as you speak? Can you guarantee me that you’ll outwork your peers?” I responded, “SIGN ME UP!” And the rest is history…
I spent a decade as a Field Adjuster handling claims in 38 of the 50 states where I took on roles such as field re-inspector, agency advocate, field mentor, and marketing rep. I have over 5,000 claims under my belt ranging from $0 to $166M and I’ve never had more fun! From hurricanes, house fires, wind and hail claims to wildfires, gas explosions, and bridge collapses, there’s not much I haven’t seen or handled. My career has been filled with challenging moments, endless opportunities, and some of the most extraordinary times of my life!
Eberl’s mission, To Be There When You Need Us, fuels our business’ initiatives each and every day. What does this objective mean to you?
To me, this is simple—reliable accountability. I have proven and will continue to prove that I live by this (personally and professionally) as a husband, father, entrepreneur, and leader. I will show up 150% every time. I believe that if you can’t commit to showing up to the job, to life, or for yourself, you’ll never achieve the success that is meant for you.
What are you MOST passionate about? How does that influence your day-to-day actions?
I’m most passionate about the people around me. I find no greater joy or success in my life than being a connector, a conduit, and an example to the people around me. I believe in giving more than I receive which doesn’t necessarily mean something tangible and in many cases, it can something as simple as a smile, a hug, positive energy, words of encouragement, mentorship, empathy, an ear or whatever it is that I recognize that you might need.
Describe your vision for the future of this industry and how Eberl fits into it.
My vision for the future of the industry is a people-focused, digital, and technological transformation (which has already begun) that creates endless opportunities for innovation, inclusion, and opportunity. Eberl is positioned very well to meet these needs as we, with the overarching guidance of Cor Partners, have a deep understanding of where the industry is going.
Eberl is capitalizing on the most important part and the heart of the organization – its people. Eberl and the Cor Partners ecosystem really lives our philosophy that “Everybody Matters” and that while we are at the forefront of technology and innovation, we are truly driven by compassion for ALL of our people.
What advice do you have to share with those seeking a fulfilling career in this industry?
The best advice I can give would be:
- Walk the walk before you talk the talk
- Be bold in your efforts and take risks
- Surround yourself with positivity
- Double down and always bet on yourself
- Have fun doing whatever you’re doing
- Continuously develop yourself
- Associate with the people in positions that you want to ascend and who will push you to be better, whether you realize it or not.
Thank you for reading! It’s clear to see the wealth of knowledge, enthusiasm, and leadership qualities Phillip brings to the E-team as a well-known, inspiring presence within the industry.
To learn more about Phillip’s transition to Eberl, click here to check out our recent press release.